Tuesday, August 30, 2011

MORE FOOD! I should have used wordpress.. Sorry for the sloppy layout.

Hong Kong Entertainment
                                                 Victoria Peak

In my first week in HK, I went up the Victoria Peak- which is a hill slash mountain in the middle of HK that you can take a tram car to the very top of and look out over the city.  It sounds like it would be calm and picturesque, but there are millions of tourists and shopping malls galore at the top.  The view was beautiful and the air is significantly cleaner up there (HK has some serious air pollution).  However, I wish it was a bit cooler out- seeing the sights in 100 degree weather isn't exactly as pleasant as it could be.  Hong Kong is as crowded as NYC (maybe more) but with the weather of Houston, Texas.

I suppose HK does look pretty badass from up this high..

More Food

This week I went on two food endeavors.  (My blog is becoming a bit food obsessed.  A bit pathetic.)

The first was to honor my Houston El Meson family.  There is a tapas place a few blocks from my flat and I wanted to see how the tapas made in HK by HK natives compared to the awesomeness at the El.  I had some of my usual faves.  It was actually quite good, but made me miss Houston, and having constant access to world's best black beans.  Oh and how I miss the garlic...  

Pollo al ajillo, sangria, patatas bravas, tortilla espanola, chorizo, calamares- all the old faves....

My second food endeavor was not quite as successful...  My roomie took me on my first real Chinese food excursion to have "Congee".  This is basically a dish where vats of rice are cooked for hours upon hours until it is liquified and then different ingredients such as pork, vegetables, fish, beef, etc are added to the liquified rice.  This wasn't my favorite- the texture really bothered me.  A bit slimy.  We also had an appetizer that was basically a donut inside of a rice paper roll.  At first taste, I enjoyed it, but it was an odd feeling to get used to the fact that I was eating a donut wrapped in rice.  But when in Rome... The upside- authentic Chinese food in HK is vair vair cheap.  Approximately $9 US dollars for 2 bowls of Congee, the donut appetizer, and 2 sodas.  woohoo.  


Emo photo credits to Andy Gilmore..

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