Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tea, biscuits, and blogging!

Hi!  I am sitting here drinking a cup of delicious tea (that I am of course dunking bourbon biscuits into) and thinking of all of you lovely friends and family stateside.  I thought I'd write a little bit about what I actually do over here. Like, for a living...

So besides teaching a zillion adorable little kids (and lots of older kids and adults too!), I get to do fabulous gigs every once in awhile.  Okay, by fabulous, I mean, slightly strange.

The gig was for a jewelry expo (there was a security guard for each mannequin dripping in diamonds) and the event was held at a wonderful French restaurant called The French Window.  It acquires its name from the giant wall of glass that serves as a wonderful view out over the harbour.  I will share the pictures FIRST.  So etherial looking (as is appropriate for a French restaurant).  And take note of the camera men filming me on the third picture down.  So glamorous.  It looks like fun!  But looks can be deceiving...

So despite the mood lighting, candles, and ambience that was just ever so- this gig was not at all what I was expecting!  I should have known when they wanted me to arrive 3 hours early for hair and makeup.  I got stuffed into a room with loads of models (which also sounds glamourous, but trust me, it's not) and spent hours waiting around to perform.  The ordeal was so highly managed by event planners due to its high priority client status; I had no idea event planners paid attention to so many details!  Before the event, they needed the dimensions of the harp, the color of the harp, and the color of the harp bench and music stand.  AND they even provided me with a dress because they didn't trust me to wear the exact perfect shade of cream!  It was wild!  Details, details, details!  All of this for just 30 minutes of harp music!  In addition to all of this mayhem, I couldn't leave when I was finished performing because we couldn't strike the harp until all the guests had left.  This logistical problem was in part due to the fact that the harp was tucked into a small hole in the wall (literally) that they had especially constructed to have me play in.  Two doors sprung open when I started playing and a spotlight shone down on me while I played in a hole literally covered in football field turf, which I presume was supposed to create a feeling of being at a French garden party.  It was a trip!

All in all though, hopefully I don't sound like I am complaining, because I love having these "crazy harp gig" stories.

One more thing!  Hong Kong Harp Services is trying to upload new youtube videos every few weeks which means there are a few videos of me up if you care to check them out.  Click here for the most recent video of me playing the harp solo from the opera Lucia di Lammermoor by G. Donizetti.  If you look to the side of this video there are also two additional links that will take you to videos of me playing a French work by Tournier and a popular well-loved harp concerto by Handel.


Time for a refill on tea :)


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